Marty McFly helps you develop visionary strategies that keep you relevant today, tomorrow and beyond. We seamlessly align all activities, across all business units - including ESG objectives - to drive maximum impact and business success.
We take you through a comprehensive strategic planning process, consisting of four modules: Discover, Plan, Act and Govern. Each phase consists of various sub-modules that provide the frameworks for comprehensive strategic discussions as well as liberating creative thought to step change performance, ensuring that companies are future fit.
Future success means understanding the past, liberating the current and conquering the future. Our four modules take you through a journey that does exactly that. Although the framework is designed as an aligned and holistic planning process, each module, and its sub-modules, can operate as standalone strategic tools feeding into existing business strategies and processes.
The DISCOVER module allows you to understand the forces of change that are currently impacting your organisation, or could impact it in the future. We identify key trends that you need to embrace to stay relevant as well as disruptors that could significantly impact your organisation in the future, for good or bad. Included in this phase is a consumer needs analysis and an in depth understanding of your competitors..
The PLAN module identifies your key profit, people and planet strategic levers, all stemming from a central purpose embedded into the DNA of your organisation, directing all activities and initiatives. We use various tools to identify your Customer Value Proposition, Employee Value Proposition and Environment Value Proposition.
The ACT module identifies the key TACTICS that are necessary to deliver your people, planet and profit strategic initiatives. This is where you get your hands dirty and get real about what needs to be done to an achieve your strategic objectives. Included in this phase are new market, customer and consumer opportunities, new product opportunities, first principle innovation, leadership and cultural transformation, and sustainability initiatives.
The GOVERN module is about setting clear KPI’s, being transparent about them and holding yourself accountable for their delivery. Achievement of financial ambitions will never come at the expense of people and planet objectives. A truly purposeful business, intent on having a positive impact on the world, will measure its success in a broader and more holistic manner than has been done in the past, with people and planet objectives considered equally important to profit objectives. During this module we differentiate between legislative requirements, customer expectations and business opportunities to drive a unique point of difference.